Bhandap: A traditional folk dance performed by the women folk of the scheduled tribe community who were the earliest settlers of Goa, in the second half of the Hindu month Bhadrapada.
Corredinho- Portuguese folk dance: A peasant dance which is popular among Goan elite youth.
Dekhni-Beauty dance: Performed only by women, displays a rare blend of Indian & Western rhythms.
Dhangar Dance: In Navaratra days, a vigorous session of worship dance.
Fugdi & Dhalo: Folk dance performed by women. The most common folk dance forms of Goa.
Ghode Modni: It is in commemoration of the return of the Ranes after victories over the Portuguese in Bicholim and Satari Taluka.
Goff- folk dance with chords: Manifesto joy and hapiness of Goan peasants after the harvest, during Shigmo Festival in Phalgum month.
Hanpet- Sword Dance: A traditional warrior dance performed during the Shigmo Festival.
Kala & Dashavtar: Folk dance forms representing the subsequent development of jagar as tiatr. Some of the other popular folk dance forms are Ranmale, Ratkala and Tiatr.
Kunbi Dance: Tribal Folk dance: A group dance-cum-song thoroughly rustic.
Lamp Dance: Performed during Shigmo Festival by women holding lamps on their heads.
Mando: A love song. It represents the mingling of Indian and Western tradition.
Morulem: A traditional folk dance presented by the backward community during Shigmo Festival.
Mussal-Khel-Pestel Dance: A dance-cum-song in praise of valiant Kings. It also projects incidents in the village life of the times; Romat, Tonya Mel and Dhendlo are some other folk dance forms.
Perani Jagar: The earliest form of drama.
Raatib: Part of religion ritual of Muslim community performed during 11th month of the Muslim calendar.
Suvari: It is a traditional tone setter to all Hindu religious and festival performances.
Talgadi: Folk dance performed by men-a social, sophisticated, outdoor dance for men.
Taranga Mel: Banners mela of farmers.
Tonya Mel: Folk dance with sticks. A very vigorous and muscular group dance which is connected with the farm-folk celebrating the joys of good harvest. Tipri Nritya resembles Tonya Mel folk dance.
Veerbhadra: It is a typical Indian style dance performed in Ponda, Sanguem and Bicholim Talukas.
Zagor: Folk Play. A cultural commotion presented in different villages of Goa in different styles by the Gauda community.
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