Yellow Pages of Goa

What are yellow pages?

Yellow pages refer to a telephone reference book of businesses, systematized by category, rather than alphabetically by business name and in which advertising is sold. As the name suggests, such directories were at first printed on yellow paper, as contrasting to white pages for non-commercial listings.

The traditional term yellow pages are now also applied to online directories of businesses. The name "Yellow Pages" is protected in the UK where it is a trademark of British Telecom. In Goa Yellow Pages refer to business directories published & printed once a year, every year with paid and sponsored advertising collected from commercial establishments from all over Goa.

The term and idea of "yellow pages" came about in 1883, when a printer in Cheyenne, Wyoming, at work on a regular telephone directory ran out of white paper and used yellow paper instead. In 1886 Reuben H. Donnelley produced the first official yellow pages directory, developing an industry.

About Yellow Pages in India

The majority of listings are plain and in small black text, usually in the Bell Gothic or Bell Centennial typefaces. The YP publishers generate profit by selling advertising space or listings under each heading. Advertising may be sold by a direct sales force or by approved agencies (CMR's). Available advertising space varies among publishers and ranges from bold names up to four color twin page ads ("double trucks"). Advertising rates typically increase every year regardless of distribution or usage fluctuations.

Yellow pages directories are usually published annually, and distributed for free to all residences and businesses within a given coverage area.

How advertising is done in Yellow Pages?

Advertising in YP directories requires payment in full prior to printing or may be billed monthly over the life of the contract, which is usually 12 months. Typically, a sales representative will assist the customer in creating their ad design and provides a Proof Copy for review and approval. Advertisers should be aware that many contracts have automatic renewal clauses and require action on the part of the advertiser to end future billing.

The beginning of Internet Yellow Pages (IYP)

Yellow pages print usage is reported to be declining with both advertisers and shoppers increasingly turning to Internet search engines and online directories. These online versions are referred to as IYP or Internet yellow pages. Independent ad agencies or Internet marketing consultants can assist business owners in determining sound opportunities for YP advertising and provide objective information on usage, possession and preferences.

Yellow Pages of Goa – The Printed type.

There are many yellow pages, published and printed in Goa coming from different publishing houses. The biggest and best yellow pages as of now, clearly a winner from size, presentation, regularity and clarity of business information catalogued easily is the HELLO YELLOW PAGES from the house of Hello Publications Private Limited, Porvorim, Goa.

Yellow Pages of Goa – The Internet type.

Whatever is in printed form, today is being made available on the Internet, this applies to all the printed on yellow paper yellow pages directories too. Currently there are more IYP that is Internet Yellow Pages of Goa on the Internet than actually available in the actual pen and paper, printed format. Its more easy to publish information on the internet and easily accessible to a much wider audience, nationally and internationally. is the yellow pages of Goa of Hello Publications on the internet. There are hundreds of yellow pages of Goa on the Internet. Some of the yellow pages that get indexed on the first few pages of search engines are: , , ,,
